How We Collect Anti Social Behaviour Evidence

How We Collect Anti Social Behaviour Evidence

If you are facing any anti social behaviour like excessive noise, graffiti, inconsiderate parking or more severe issues like criminal activity or drug use, we at Vanguard Associates UK can help. Our experienced and skilled team will help you collect anti social behaviour evidence to provide authorities with the necessary information to take action. So, let’s delve into how we can gather evidence to tackle various forms of anti social behaviour.


Whenever you witness or experience anti social behaviour, we help you make detailed notes of the incident. Include the date, time, location, and a description of what occurred. We collect photographs or videos to support your written account. These visual aids can significantly strengthen your case.

Surveillance Tools

We use our hi-tech surveillance cameras to capture anti social behaviour when it happens. Additionally, we use smartphone apps to document incidents quickly. By keeping a vigilant eye on the neighbourhood, you can identify and document suspicious activities to strengthen your case.

Consultation With Experts

We will also provide you with a complimentary consultation with one of our professional team members to discuss your issues and how our anti social behaviour evidence support can help you collect sufficient evidence to get your life back to normal. 

Our team will help you submit sufficient evidence to the relevant authorities, such as the police, local council, or housing association. In addition, we will attend court and provide expert evidence in support of your claim.

Contact Us

If you need professional legal advice for dealing with anti social behaviour, we at Vanguard Associates UK can help. We can assist you by providing the relevant evidence of anti social behaviour. Please feel free to contact us today for a free, no obligation quote. We look forward to speaking with and hopefully being of service to you.